ESG Data


 Item Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Boundary
Greenhouse gas emissions
Energy usage The business sites and affiliated companies that are included in the implementation framework diagram on of this site
         Electricity purchased
(non-renewable fuels)
MWh 55,000 56,700 40,650 37,270
Electricity purchased
(renewable fuels)
MWh - 1,830 15,900 15,480
On-site generated electricity
(renewable fuels)
MWh 310 1,230 2,090 2,290
Processed natural gas m3 51,000 60,000 91,000 79,000
Gasoline kl 205 152 159 161
Heavy oil kl 4 5 2 1
Diesel oil kl 15 61 19 28
LP gas t 99 113 80 38
LN gas t 17 23 55 49
CO2 emissions t-CO2 30,100 369,500 343,800 336,800 The business sites and affiliated companies that are included in the implementation framework diagram on of this site
         Scope1 t-CO2 1,000 1,100 1,000 900
Scope2 t-CO2 29,100 30,800 23,400 21,200
Scope3 t-CO2 - 338,000 319,000 315,000
         Purchased products and services t-CO2 - 176,000 18,500 168,500
Capital goods t-CO2 - 16,100 9,100 9,800
Fuel- and energy-related activities
(not included in scope 1 or scope 2)
t-CO2 - 4,300 4,100 3,800
Upstream transportation and distribution t-CO2 - 14,700 14,600 11,200
Waste generated in operations t-CO2 - 500 700 600
Business travel t-CO2 - 800 800 700
Employee commuting t-CO2 - 3,500 3,100 3,000
Upstream leased assets t-CO2 - - - -
Downstream transportation and distribution t-CO2 - - - -
Processing of sold products t-CO2 - - - -
Use of sold products t-CO2 - 121,200 101,700 116.8
End-of-life treatment of sold products t-CO2 - 300 400 0.3
Downstream leased assets t-CO2 - - - -
Franchises t-CO2 - - - -
Investments t-CO2 - - - -
Water withdrawal The business sites and affiliated companies that are included in the implementation framework diagram on of this site
         Total municipal water supplies (or from other water utilities) m3 98,000 99,000 106,000 99,300
Fresh surface water (lakes, rivers, etc.) m3 0 0 0 0
Fresh groundwater m3 7,000 200 100 100
Wastewater m3 80,000 87,000 89,400 83,700
Waste management The business sites and affiliated companies that are included in the implementation framework diagram on of this site
         Total emissions volume t 1,340 1,350 1,900 1,780
Recycled volume t 850 870 1,100 1,050
Recycling rate % 63 64 58 59
Final disposal volume t 55 65 55 37
Comparative waste intensity t 98 126 347 351
Compliance with laws
Violations of legal obligations/regulations of environmental issues case 0 0 0 0 The business sites and affiliated companies that are included in the implementation framework diagram on of this site
Rate of ISO14001 certification
Boundary of the report
(Tamura group production sites)
% 90 95 95 95 consolidated
(Tamura group production sites)
[GHG calculation method]
The method for calculating greenhouse gases is as follows. We will continue to review our calculation methods and emissions intensity to improve calculation accuracy.
Scope 1 is calculated by multiplying the amount of activity by the emissions intensity.
Scope 2 is calculated based on market standards. If unknown, use IEA Emissions Factors.
Scope 3 is calculated with reference to the "Basic Guidelines for Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through the Supply Chain (ver.2.4)(Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, March 2022)."
Cat.1 Purchased goods and services: Calculated by multiplying the price data of purchased/obtained products by the emission
         intensity from the resource extraction stage to the manufacturing stage.
Cat.2 Capital goods: Calculated by multiplying the amount of capital investment by the emissions intensity.
Cat.3 Fuel- and energy-related activities (not included in scope 1 or scope 2): Calculated by multiplying the physical quantity
         data of purchased fuel, electricity, heat, etc. by the emission intensity from the resource extraction stage to the
         transportation stage.
Cat.4 Upstream transportation and distribution: Calculated by applying the calculation method for specific shippers in the
         Accounting, Reporting, and Publication System.
Cat.5 Waste generated in operations: Calculated by multiplying the amount of each type of waste by the emission unit.
Cat.6 Business travel: Calculated by multiplying the number of employees by the emissions intensity.
Cat.7 Employee commuting: Calculated by multiplying the number of employees by work type and city class by the number of
         business days per year and the emissions intensity.
Cat.8 Upstream leased assets: Emissions from leased buildings and vehicles are calculated using Scope 1 and 2 and are
         therefore not included.
Cat.9 Downstream transportation and distribution: Calculations have not been carried out due to difficulty in collecting the data
         necessary for calculations.
Cat.10 Processing of sold products: Calculation not performed due to difficulty in collecting data necessary for calculation.
Cat.11 Use of sold products: Calculate emissions over the lifespan of sold products based on the assumed usage conditions.
Cat.12 End-of-life treatment of sold products: Calculated by multiplying the weight of sold products by the emission unit.
Cat.13 Downstream leased assets: Not applicable as there are no relevant activities.
Cat.14 Franchises: Not applicable as there are no applicable activities.
Cat.15 Investment: Not applicable as it is not an investment business.
*Products subject to Cat.11 and 12 are reflow equipment, broadcasting equipment, wireless equipment, and products for vending machines.

 Item Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Boundary
Number of employees person 4,447 4,405 4,576 4,410 consolidated
         Japan person 1,217 1,188 1,182 1,180
China person 1,757 1,759 1,880 1,708
Other Asian countries person 1,128 1,084 1,061 964
Europe and the Americas person 345 374 453 558
Non-Japanese nationals person 3,181 3,152 3,336 3,129
Men person 2,315 2,334 2,423 2,415
Women person 2,132 2,071 2,153 1,995
Number of employees person 1,008 987 889 895 Tamura Corporation
         Men person 817 805 716 711
Women person 191 182 173 184
Non-Japanese nationals person 16 20 20 14
Average age age 43.6 43.2 44.1 44.4 Tamura Corporation
         Men age 44.3 43.8 44.8 45.0
Women age 40.7 40.4 41.6 41.9
Average years of service year 17.0 17.5 17.3 17.1 Tamura Corporation
         Men year 17.9 18.3 18.1 17.9
Women year 13.0 13.5 13.9 14.0
Number of new graduates recruitment person 28 17 33 17 Tamura Corporation
         Men person 21 15 21 13
Women person 7 2 12 4
Non-Japanese nationals person 3 0 0 0
Number of mid-career recruitment person 12 22 15 32 Tamura Corporation
         Men person 10 19 13 27
Women person 2 3 2 5
Number of departing employees (excluding retirement age) person 34 32 30 30 Tamura Corporation
         Men person 29 21 25 26
Women person 5 11 5 4
Average annual salary yen 5,969,097 6,243,570 6,785,466 6,839,721Tamura Corporation
         Men yen 6,268,442 6,471,368 7,105,152 7,182,964
Women yen 4,605,841 5,141,272 5,467,739 5,509,903
Women/Men 73.5 79.4 77.0 76.7
Work style
Total annual actual hours worked hour 1,904.3 1,943.0 1,958.0 1,905.0 Tamura Corporation
Ratio of annual paid holidays taken % 62.5 59.1 65.8 79.5 Tamura Corporation
Ratio of employees taking child care leave % 88.0 73.9 94.4 76.9 Tamura Corporation
         Men % 80.0 62.5 90.0 70.0
Women % 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Ratio of employees returning to work after child care leave % 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Tamura Corporation
Number of employees taking nursing care leave person 0 0 0 1 Tamura Corporation
Managers person 199 182 152 144 Tamura Corporation
         Men person 188 168 141 139
Women person 11 14 11 15
Non-Japanese nationals person 0 2 2 1
Senior managers person 56 65 55 57 Tamura Corporation
         Men person 53 60 53 55
Women person 3 5 2 2
Non-Japanese nationals person 0 2 2 1
Ratio of employees with disabilities % 1.99 2.30 2.63 2.53 Tamura Corporation
Human resource development
Training cost per employee per year yen 24,886 36,303 41,094 58,142 Tamura Corporation
Training hours per employee per year hour - 10.5 16.1 13.0
Occupational health and safety
Number of occupational accident case 8 5 3 2 Tamura Corporation
         Lost working time case 2 1 2 1
Significant labor accident case 0 0 0 0
Occupational accident frequency rate - 0.0020 0.0005 0.0010 0.0020 Tamura Corporation
Occupational accident severity rate - 0.50 0.50 1.03 1.05 Tamura Corporation
Social contribution
Social contribution activity expenses millions of yen 29 33 60 54 consolidated
         Amount of donations millions of yen 10 11 18 15

 Item Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Boundary
Directors person 8 8 8 9 Tamura Corporation
         Men person 7 7 7 7
Women person 11 1 2
Outside directors person 33 3 4
Audit & supervisory board members person 3 3 3 - Tamura Corporation
         Men person 3 3 3 -
Women person 00 0 -
Outside audit & supervisory board members person 2 2 2 -
Directors(Audit & Supervisory Committee members) - - - 5
         Outside directors - - - 4
Executive Officers & Fellows person 9 10 15 18 Tamura Corporation
         Men person 9 10 14 16
Women person 0 0 1 2
Non-Japanese nationals person 0 0 1 2
Board of directors  
Number of meetings time 21 19 19 16 Tamura Corporation
Attendance ratio of outside directors 100 100 98.2 100
Attendance ratio of outside audit & supervisory board members % 97.6 100 97.4 100
Audit & supervisory board
Number of meetings time 5 5 4 3 Tamura Corporation
Attendance ratio of outside audit & supervisory board members 100 100 100 100
Audit & Supervisory Committee
Number of meetings time - - - 12
Attendance ratio of outside directors - - - 98
Directors(non Audit & Supervisory Committee members) millions of yen 151 155 178 241 Tamura Corporation
         Outside directors millions of yen 24 21 24 6
Audit & supervisory board members millions of yen 26 24 27 9
         Outside audit & supervisory board members millions of yen 9 8 11 4
Directors(Audit & Supervisory Committee members) millions of yen - - - 37
         Outside directors millions of yen - - - 24
Whistleblowing & consultation
Number of internal whistleblowing & consultation case 6 4 9 6 Tamura Corporation
Number of whistleblowing & consultation by business partners case 0 0 0 1 Business partners in Japan
Political contribution
Amont of political contribution millions of yen 0 0 0 0 Tamura Corporation