We aim to achieve the Tamura Group Mission in order to contribute to the development of society. To this end, we are actively promoting sustainability, as we recognize the importance of each and every employee understanding the concept and acting accordingly.
Sustainability Promotion System
In the domain of sustainability, the Tamura Group is working to advance strategies in the six areas of "compliance/ethics," "risk management," "human rights and labor," "environment," "quality," and "social contribution." Regarding our governance and promotion structure in the area of sustainability, we took the transition of Tamura Corporation to the structure of a company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee in June 2023 as an opportunity to conduct a comprehensive review and redefine the roles of relevant corporate institutions. (See diagram below) The Board of Directors is positioned as a supervisory body that decides basic policies and strategies concerning sustainability, and supervises their implementation. Executive divisions below the Executive Officer Committee that is chaired by the President carry out execution, with responsibility for the planning and implementation of specific measures. Following the change to our governance structure and based on discussions by the Board of Directors, we discontinued the Sustainability Management Committee positioned as an advisory body to the Board of Directors, and in April 2024 established the Sustainability Committee as a subcommittee of the Executive Officer Committee. This action was taken to clarify that executive divisions will engage in the integrated promotion of not only business strategy but also sustainability strategy, and to strengthen the driving force for doing so. The members composing the Sustainability Committee are the same as the members of the Executive Officer Committee.
We have begun operating the Sustainability Committee as a specialized committee for properly discussing cross-departmental and medium- to long-term issues and measures, including the promotion of our materialities. The committee generally meets twice a year to manage the progress of our sustainability strategy, deliberate on related agenda items, and report to the Executive Officer Committee, which in turn reports to the Board of Directors.
Participation in UN Global Compact

The Tamura Group announced its support for the UN Global Compact's ten principles and became a member in 2008. Our commitment to the ten principles concerning the protection of human rights, elimination of forced and compulsory labor, support for environment, and working against corruption, is reflected in the Tamura Group Code of Conduct, with which we carry on our activities.
Please see here for our efforts on UN Global Compact
Engagement with SDGs
The Tamura Group, based on the understanding that the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015 represent important agenda to be tackled by the society, has been undertaking efforts to integrate the concept of SDGs into its operation.
◆Establishment of basic policy
TheThe “Tamura Group Code of Conduct” was revised to identify the SDGs to be worked on by the whole Group, and respective basic guidelines were established. At the same time, the Group has developed a strategy for achieving sustainability with the year 2030 as the target, and has been promoting it by incorporating the SDGs into the 12th Medium-term Management Plan that was adopted in April 2019.
Basic policy on promotion of SDGs (Tamura Group Code of Conduct)
The Tamura Group recognizes our corporate social responsibility (CSR) of balancing the achievement of a sustainable society and the sustainable growth of the Tamura Group. We recognize the term “SDGs” as shared global language regarding social issues. In addition to understanding the business opportunities presented by SDGs and the responsibility of corporation in achieving SDGs, the Tamura Group will contribute to the solution of social issues through products, services, technology, and business activities.
◆Company-wide dissemination
With the aim of having all employees of the Group understand and work toward realizing the SDGs as if it were their own, we have been promoting various in-house dissemination measures.
Introduction of sustainable seafood to Company canteens
Since January 2020, menus using sustainable seafood have been served on a regular basis at the canteens of Tokyo Factory and Sakado Factory. We choose sustainable seafood with the “MSC”/“ASC” global certification, which is given to sustainable fishery products that have been caught or cultivated in consideration of marine environment and fishery resources, thus contributing to “Life Below Water,” one of the SDGs, and supporting producers who observe the catch limit.
SDG badges
With the aim of communicating to outside stakeholders our commitment to business with awareness of the SDGs, our approval of the SDGs, and our proactive efforts, SDG badges are distributed to employees.
Diffusion of CSR
CSR activities include the implementation of such issues as stakeholders’ demands that need to be addressed in daily business operations while adhering to corporate ethics, laws, and regulations, and efforts are being made to increase the awareness of every director and employee regarding the importance of having a good understanding of CSR and putting it into practice.
◆Compliance education
To realize CSR management, it is essential to enhance the awareness and sensitivity of not only the management but also each and every employee. The Tamura Group has identified compliance education as an important means to achieve that purpose. In FY2023, the following compliance education programs were implemented. Aiming to facilitate the understanding of compliance and to reduce risks, we will continue to actively promote the programs.
Major Compliance education programs implemented in FY2023
・ Discussion-based training in small groups using training materials (in Japanese, English, and Chinese),
which is held at both domestic and overseas bases
・ Training programs on legal practice, including patents, security trade control,
contracts, and unfair competition prevention
◆Delivery of CSR e-mail newsletter
The CSR e-mail newsletter is published twice a month and contains easy-to-understand explanation of news, case studies, etc. of compliance violations occurring around us.
◆Release of "CSR/SDGs Information Site"
As a source of information for understanding the Tamura Group's CSR activities, we have established a "CSR/SDGs Information Site" on our internal network, which is used for introductory education on CSR and SDGs.
External evaluations
◆CSR Ranking sponsored by Toyo Keizai Inc. (December 2024)The “CSR Ranking” ranks “reliable companies” on the basis of “CSR evaluation” of HR utilization, the environment, corporate governance, and social performance, as well as financial criteria.
In the 2024 evaluation, Tamura Corporation has erceived the following ratings out of 5-rank scale (AAA,AA,A,B and C).
HR utilization
| Environment
| Corporate governance
| Social performance
AA |
◆CDP(February 2025)
| The Tamura Group has received the following ratings out of 8-rank scale (A, A-, B, B-, C, C-, D, and D-) from CDP.
- CDP Climate Change 2024 : B
- CDP Water Security 2024 : C
CDP is a global non-profit organization that runs the world’s environmental disclosure system for companies, cities, states and regions.