Environmental Targets, Performance, and Evaluation

The Tamura Group is working on environmental protection under its three group-wide targets of “increasing in percentage sales of eco-design products,” “reducing of substances with environmental load,” and “Reducing greenhouse gas.”

Tamura Group Environmental Targets, Performance, and Evaluation

The Tamura Group has taken the initiative in environmental protection by setting three common targets: “increasing the percentage sales of eco-design products,” “reducing substances of concern,” and “Reducing greenhouse gas,” which are the main measures specified in its environmental policy.
In FY2023, we achieved all three of our goals.

Long-term reduction target for greenhouse gas emissions
The Tamura Group recognizes “contribution to global environmental conservation and the realization of a decarbonized society” as one of its materialities (key issue), and is working on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
With an eye toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, the Tamura Group boosted its greenhouse gas reduction target by FY2030 from at least 21% compared to the FY2013 level to 51% or higher, which will be put into effect starting in FY2022.
In order to attain sustainable growth and realize a sustainable society, the Group will strive to save energy and leverage renewable energy thoroughly.

Target for greenhouse gas emissions*:
FY2030: Reduction of 51% or more (compared with FY2013 levels)

* Within Scope 1 (direct emissions from our own fuel use or production process) or Scope 2 (indirect emissions from the use of electricity or heat we purchased).
Emissions related to new plants are added to those of past fiscal years including the base year to appropriately evaluate reduction efforts made after the start of operation.
Emission coefficients represent those of electricity purchased based on agreements in principle.

Target for amount of renewable energy introduced:
FY2030: More than double (compared with FY2019 level)

Summary of the Tamura Group's Environmental Performance
The Tamura Group has a quantitative grasp of environmental load generated through its business operations and is working to reduce environmental load in various aspects of its business activities through development of eco-design products as well as improvements in productivity and distribution efficiency.