Sakado Factory Rebuilding Project
Business Operations
Risk & Management
Sakado Factory Rebuilding Project
As part of efforts to restructure business related to electronic components, the Sakado Factory (located in Saitama Prefecture) as the core base was rebuilt and operation was started in September 2018. This is a highly sustainable office building that aims to reduce environmental load by realizing substantial energy saving, and to establish a comfortable and pleasant work environment based on the concept of “environmental and human friendliness.” Equipped with high earthquake resistance and the capability of
ontinuing business operations with less energy in the event of a disaster, the building also contributes to the BCP (Business Continuity Plan).
From January 2022, our group's first on-site PPA model solar power generation facility began operating.
Please see here for the detail.
◆Environmentally-friendly Building Certified as Nearly ZEB;
In the FY2017 Net Zero Energy Building (ZEB) Verification Project, the building received Nearly ZEB certification for achieving over 75% energy saving through both reduction of building energy consumption and energy supply by energy generation.
The energy-saving rate through energy creation by means of solar power generation reached 100.2% in FY2023, and "Nearly ZEB" (net energy-saving rate of 75% or higher) was achieved.
Details of efforts to attain ZEB
・ Use of high-performance heat-insulating material and sashe
・ Introduction of high-efficiency, business-use, and multi-type air-conditioners,
total heat exchangers, and auto-dimming LEDs
・ Energy generation with solar panels, whose operation adopts BEMS for energy saving
◆Designated as “Sainokuni Factory” by Saitama Prefecture
Thanks to our acquisition of the Nearly ZEB certification for the building, the implementation of plant tours, and the Monozukuri School, our social contribution activities to the local community were highly regarded and the Sakado Factory was recognized as a technologically and environmentally excellent factory and designated as FY2018 “Sainokuni Factory” by Saitama Prefecture.
◆Greening promotion
The Sakado Factory is planting trees in consideration of biodiversity conservation in the parking lot and around
the building (native vegetation, including Kousa dogwood and Japanese mountain cherry).
Greening of the parking space
Greening that gives consideration to biodiversity conservation
Business Operations
The Tamura Group is involved in activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve energy across its business operations, in order to help reduce global warming. At the same time, the Group is pushing forward its drive to reduce substances with environmental impact to minimize their effects on the environment.
◆Reduction of power consumption (Reduction of CO2 Emissions)
In terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we are working to reduce the total amount of Scope 1 and 2 emissions.
In FY 2023, we implemented energy-saving measures such as updating to energy-saving equipment, improving operation, operating solar power generation through PPA, and procuring non-fossil certificates through renewable energy designation. We achieved the target of 39% reduction compared to the 2013 target of 30%.
 Installation of solar power generation facility [Sakado Factory] |
 Solar power generation monitor [Sakado Factory] |
 Installation of solar power generation equipment [Tamura Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.] |
 Installation of solar power generation equipment [Tamura Kaken (M) SDN. BHD.] |
 Installation of solar power generation equipment [Tamura Europe Limited. O.S. (Czech Branch)] |
 Solar LED-type outdoor lights [Tamura Kaken (Donguan) Ltd.] |
◆Reduction of substances of concern
To reduce environmentally hazardous substances, we are working to reduce the basic unit of sales amount.
In FY 2023, we achieved the target of a 22% reduction compared to the previous year.
We will continue to promote appropriate management of environmentally hazardous substances, process improvements, and work reviews.
Exhaust gas treatment device
[Wakayanagi Tamura Corporation]
VOC exhaust emission control device
[Shanghai Xiangle Tamura Electro Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.]
VOC exhaust emission control device
[Tamura Kaken (Dongguan) Ltd.]
VOC exhaust treatment equipment
[ Tamura Automotive Electronics (Foshan) Co., Ltd.]
Risk & Management
The Tamura Group thoroughly complies with environmental regulations. In addition, we are working on prevention of accidents and risk minimization through education and drills by assuming accidents and emergency situations.
Management of Chemical Substances in Products
The Tamura Group formulated the “Tamura Group Guideline for Management of Chemical Substances in Products” in November 2009 to enable management of chemical substances in products. Following the integration of domestic subsidiaries into the Group in April 2010, the Guideline was reviewed to establish a management system that covers all business sites of the Tamura Group. The “Flowchart for the Management of Chemical Substances in Products” and the “Rules for Management of Chemical Substances in Products” were drawn up in November 2011 and in February 2012, respectively, for management promotion under a new system.
Thanks to this shift, a series of operations, including the review of the Green Procurement Standards based on information, such as laws and regulations for chemical substances in products; promotion of green procurement; and offering of information and data related to chemical substances in products to customers; will be conducted quicker and more accurate.
In response to the revisions of the “JIS Z 7201 Management of Chemicals in Products” and the “Guidelines for the Management of Chemicals in Products—Edition 4.0 (JAMP*),” the Tamura Group Guideline for Management of Chemical Substances in Products was reviewed. By making the PDCA cycle clear to enhance convenience at each business unit and production site, and sharing the Group’s direction and specific vision, the Tamura Group strived to improve the management of chemical substances in its products.
*JAMP: Joint Article Management Promotion Consortium
Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations
We recognize that the essence of our business activities lies in following environmental policies and strictly complying with environmental laws and regulations. In FY2023, although we did not encounter any accidents or emergency situations, environment-related law violations and fines that would have a serious impact on the environment.
Environmental Education
We believe that it is important for each employee to carry out his/her job with a deep understanding and a strong sense of awareness of having to continuously improve the environmental load. In this regard, we offer a variety of environmental education programs for the promotion of accurate understanding and practice.
Education for internal auditors
Emergency Drills
At business sites, including overseas locations, we simulate various emergency situations and accidents that could affect the environment and work through a risk management system built around two pillars: preventative measures, such as daily inspections and facility maintenance; and emergency measures in the event of an accident.