Terms of Use

  1. Disclaimer

The website of Tamura Corporation and its affiliate companies(hereinafter collectively referred to as "Tamura"(hereinafter referred to as "This Website") and its contents are provided on an "as-is" basis.
Tamura, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, Non-infringement of third-parties' rights, and fitness for a particular purpose. Specifically, Tamura makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, currentness or timeliness of the Content or links provided on or through the use of This Website or by Tamura.

With an exception of historical facts of the past, the statements on This Website are forward-looking statements and inherently subject to risk and uncertainty, and therefore, are subject to change. In no event shall Tamura be liable for any damages resulting from the use or inability to use This Website or its contents.
Furthermore, Tamura takes no liability to update the forward-looking statements contained in This Website to reflect any events or circumstances occurring after the date of content updates to This Website.
Note that the information or statements on This Website may be incomplete or different from other information or statements that have already been disclosed, and Tamura reserves the right to update or delete them without any prior notice. While highest attention is paid to the contents herein, Tamura does not guarantee or accept any liability for any damage, loss, or fault caused by incorrect information, download of data or alteration by a third party of any data.
This website is intended to provide Tamura's corporate information, not to solicit you to purchase, sell, or invest in the securities issued by Tamura. Tamura makes no warranty for the contents of This Website. Tamura requests that investment decisions be made at your own discretion.

  1. Links to Third Party Websites

This Website contains links to third party websites provided solely as a convenience to its users. These are links outside of This Website and are not under Tamura's control. Accordingly, Tamura makes no representations or warranties whatsoever concerning availability of or content, including sub-links found on those websites, or their changes and upgrades.

  1. Links from Third Party Websites

Links to This Website from any third-party websites other than Tamura are not under Tamura's control. In no event shall Tamura be liable for any damages resulting from the use or inability to use these websites or its contents. The inclusion of any link to such websites does neither imply recommendation or endorsement by Tamura of use of those websites or their operators or their contents including or not limited to products and services nor mean that Tamura and any of these third parties have any special partnership or other relations. If you want to link to This Website, please contact our Public Relations before creating that link.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Use of This Website and interpretation and application of the Terms of Use is construed in accordance with the laws of Japan, except as may otherwise be provided. The Tokyo District Court shall have the exclusive jurisdiction of the first trial for all disputes in connection with the use of the Website, unless otherwise provided.

  1. Trademark

The rights of business names, registered trademarks, and marks of Tamura Corporation, its affiliate companies, and other companies and entities used in this website are protected by the Trademark Act, Unfair Competition Prevention Act, and other related laws. These rights are retained by Tamura Corporation, its affiliate companies, and the other individual rights holders and cannot be used, etc., without the permission of the respective rights holder.

  1. Copyrights

Tamura Corporation (Head Office: 1-19-43, Higashi-Oizumi, Nerima-ku, Tokyo, 178-8511 Japan) and its affiliates retain and reserve all proprietary rights to the contents of This Website.((C) TAMURA Corporation, All rights reserved.)